pitch72 Ha scritto:io sto difendenedo chi scusa?? io sto accusando OLTRE a SCHETTINO anche molta altra gente che per anni ha permesso uno schifo simile!!!
ripeto...gli eroi sono i sommozzatori, i vigili del fuoco e tutti coloro che in silenzio hanno agito per rimediare alla colpa di idioti che hanno causato il disastro!!
Secondo me (e secondo tutti) stai dicendo cose senza senso...poi se lo fai per il gusto di fare il bastian contrario fai pure.
Non sono io a mettermi in "ridicolo"
Matteo "Brunix"
NBFL 1.6 Icon:BMC CDA,RollBar GPV+HarnessBar TRLane,Cinture OMP 4punti,Duomi OMP,EBC Yellow+Tubi in treccia+Ferodo SuperFormula,R888.
"Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Sunday. It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. The track or paddock is home away from home. You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears".
58 - Race your Life.
NBFL 1.6 Icon:BMC CDA,RollBar GPV+HarnessBar TRLane,Cinture OMP 4punti,Duomi OMP,EBC Yellow+Tubi in treccia+Ferodo SuperFormula,R888.
"Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Sunday. It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. The track or paddock is home away from home. You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears".
58 - Race your Life.