Ciao Ragazzi!
together with my fiancee Evelyn we made a plan of quite a long road trip around the Europe in our "kept-with-lots-of-love" 1.8 NBFL 2002.
The road trip is panned for 11 months, but this is not a continuous vacation (unfortunately). We split it into six stages. Each stage will take from 7 to 10 days, so in practice it means about 30 holiday days off the work. After each stage we make a break and go back to Poland by plane, hoping to find some cheap flights. But our Miata always stays at the place where the stage ends.
First we started from Warsaw and driving through Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Austria we reached Italy (the north part). Then we headed towards the east, to Slovenia and Croatia. Second stage was a trip from Croatia to Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece. At the third stage we plan to go back to Italy again. This time to the south part, probably to Puglia and Sicily. Fourth stage: southern France, Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar. Fifth stage: northern France, UK, Wales and Ireland. At sixth stage we'll finally go back to Poland, passing Belgium, Netherlands and northern part of Germany. If anyone like to know more details, please visit our jurney log at (it's all in polish, but hey - what's Google Translate for?).
Currently we are between stages 2 and 3. That means our Miata is now in Greece and we're comming back to collect it on October 12, when the Stage 3 will begin. We will drive to Italy and take another flight back to Poland. Of course we want to leave our Miata, again, so we're looking for a garage to rent in Bari. We'd like to rent it for a month or two. We should leave the car there before 1:00 pm on October 20 (the plane departs at 4:25 pm).
And now, the question to you, guys: what would be the best place to park in Bari? Please, advice. We're looking for a safe public garage or a private one - maybe in some house or underground parking in some housing estate or something... Or maybe one of You have some garage to rent? The closest to airport the better.
We have already found a garage in Split before, for the Stage 1 of the trip and another one in Greece for the Stage 2. MX-5 owners from Croatian and Greek MX-5 clubs helped us a lot (I mean, a lot! Big thanks to them!). So, we hope maybe you could also give us some hints. The worst thing is that we don't know Italian language well so it's not very easy to for us to search announcements over the Internet. And obviously you know better how to look for and where to find
We will be grateful for any help.
Evelyn & Nickesh
together with my fiancee Evelyn we made a plan of quite a long road trip around the Europe in our "kept-with-lots-of-love" 1.8 NBFL 2002.
The road trip is panned for 11 months, but this is not a continuous vacation (unfortunately). We split it into six stages. Each stage will take from 7 to 10 days, so in practice it means about 30 holiday days off the work. After each stage we make a break and go back to Poland by plane, hoping to find some cheap flights. But our Miata always stays at the place where the stage ends.
First we started from Warsaw and driving through Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Austria we reached Italy (the north part). Then we headed towards the east, to Slovenia and Croatia. Second stage was a trip from Croatia to Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece. At the third stage we plan to go back to Italy again. This time to the south part, probably to Puglia and Sicily. Fourth stage: southern France, Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar. Fifth stage: northern France, UK, Wales and Ireland. At sixth stage we'll finally go back to Poland, passing Belgium, Netherlands and northern part of Germany. If anyone like to know more details, please visit our jurney log at (it's all in polish, but hey - what's Google Translate for?).
Currently we are between stages 2 and 3. That means our Miata is now in Greece and we're comming back to collect it on October 12, when the Stage 3 will begin. We will drive to Italy and take another flight back to Poland. Of course we want to leave our Miata, again, so we're looking for a garage to rent in Bari. We'd like to rent it for a month or two. We should leave the car there before 1:00 pm on October 20 (the plane departs at 4:25 pm).
And now, the question to you, guys: what would be the best place to park in Bari? Please, advice. We're looking for a safe public garage or a private one - maybe in some house or underground parking in some housing estate or something... Or maybe one of You have some garage to rent? The closest to airport the better.
We have already found a garage in Split before, for the Stage 1 of the trip and another one in Greece for the Stage 2. MX-5 owners from Croatian and Greek MX-5 clubs helped us a lot (I mean, a lot! Big thanks to them!). So, we hope maybe you could also give us some hints. The worst thing is that we don't know Italian language well so it's not very easy to for us to search announcements over the Internet. And obviously you know better how to look for and where to find

We will be grateful for any help.
Evelyn & Nickesh