Fabiolous Ha scritto:Ma ai Tokico si può regolare la durezza?Ovviamente.
Reggono da molle OEM a oltre 500 lbs/in all'ant e 350 al post. Nessun altro ammortizzatore (non rivalvolato) in commercio ha questo range di regolazione
fatcatmotorsports Ha scritto:
- Tokico Illumina - aftermarket, Japanese-made, twin-tube digressive shock with a thru-rod double-acting bleed adjuster affecting rebound and compression simultaneously
- Background: The Illumina has stock-like damping at the softer settings and since compression increases with rebound, it is able to prevent jacking down at higher settings. A downside is that since it is a twin-tube, there is a practical limit to how much compression can be generated via piston valve without causing hysteresis (non-ideal response).
- Usage: Stock springs on softer settings (e.g. 2f/1r) up to 450/300 springs (Ground Control/Illumina coil-over kit).
- Revalve/rebuild? No