smoke Ha scritto:Risposta di Pit:
son diverse anche le pompe dietro e hanno pompanti piu' grandi.
Ha quindi senso anche il cambio delle pinze post.
Su Nutz mi hanno appena detto:"
I have just been speaking with a friend who has done the install of another set we had, and he told me you do not need to swap the rear calipers over.
Just use the standard Calipers on your car and use the caliper carriers from the sport kit. (They are identical except for a line on the back of the caliper from the casthing process. Have a look and see what you think, but he said it made his life a lot easier.
It will mean you will not have to re-bleed the rear calipers or have to reset the handbrake cables.
That should save a 1-2 hours :chessygrin: "

Qualcuno puo' confermare una o l'altra? :roll: :roll:
In effetti ci sono due codici per le pastiglie...
(in ... 1e56d6e522)
We can also offer the Rear Greenstuff pad DP21453 for the 2001-05 model at the special price of £27, or DP21685 for the 2003-05 model at the special price of £37 with no extra postage cost if bought at the same time UK only. Please be sure which model you have at the time of ordering.
Ci sono due modelli di big brakes posteriori?

:chessygrin: che dura..
Freni Sport, Greenstuff, Torsen 4.1, cambio 6marce, volano F1, pannello K&N, Hard Dog Deuce, scarico "Lagostina", Barra OMP, Temp Rolando, Tokico Illumina tein springs; Next: Rail P5, carbon intake box ILM
EX Boxster 986 2700 OEM
EX X1/9 mkII 1500, 2X DCNF40, coll. Alquati, condotti lucidati, valvole grandi
EX MR2 mkII Rev.4, cerchi 17 Type R RHD
Freni Sport, Greenstuff, Torsen 4.1, cambio 6marce, volano F1, pannello K&N, Hard Dog Deuce, scarico "Lagostina", Barra OMP, Temp Rolando, Tokico Illumina tein springs; Next: Rail P5, carbon intake box ILM
EX Boxster 986 2700 OEM
EX X1/9 mkII 1500, 2X DCNF40, coll. Alquati, condotti lucidati, valvole grandi
EX MR2 mkII Rev.4, cerchi 17 Type R RHD