Un pensiero per i caduti e un abbraccio virtuale a chi soffre e soffrirà per questa immane tragedia.
Disastro in Giappone,polemiche sul nucleare ma un aiuto concreto?
12-03-2011, 13:02
Phreno Ha scritto:Si ma la domanda e' sono spente in misura preventiva o continuano a operare? http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com...222-e.html
12-03-2011, 13:08
Perché è sovraccarico!
Son tutti li a guardare cosa succede! Pure quell'altro da me postato è sovraccarico.
12-03-2011, 13:15
Press Release (Mar 12,2011)
Impact to TEPCO's Facilities due to Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake (as of 3PM) Below is major impact to TEPCO's facilities due to the Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake that occurred yesterday at 2:46PM. *new items are underlined [Nuclear Power Station] Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection * The national government has instructed evacuation for those local residents within 10km radius of the periphery. * Measurement of radioactive material (Iodine, etc.) by monitoring car indicates increasing value compared to normal level. One of the monitoring posts is also indicating higher than normal level. We will continue monitoring discharge of radioactive material from exhaust stack and discharge canal, etc. * Reactor of Unit 1 has been shut down and steam in reactor has been cooled by isolation condenser, but it is now stopped. Because pressure level in reactor containment vessel is increasing, following the national government instruction, we have done the measure to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels in order to fully secure safety and we understand that we have succeeded it at 2:30PM. At present, reactor water level is becoming lower and we are injecting water accordingly. * Reactor of Unit 2 has been shut down and we continue injecting water by Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System. Current reactor water level is lower than normal level, but the water level is steady. Following the national government instruction, we are preparing to implement a measure to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels in order to fully secure safety. * Reactor of Unit 3 has been shut down and we continue injecting water by Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System. Following the national government instruction, we are preparing to implement a measure to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels in order to fully secure safety. * We are implementing a measure to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels, but, one of our employees working in the Unit 1 was irradiated at over 100mSv level(106.3mSv). He received a medical treatment by a special physician. Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station: Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake * The national government has instructed evacuation for those local residents within 3km radius of the periphery and indoor standby for those local residents between 3km and 10km radius of the periphery. * At present, we have decided to prepare implementing measures to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessel (partial discharge of air containing radioactive materials) in order to fully secure safety. These measures are considered to be implemented in Units 1, 2 and 3 and accordingly, we have reported and/or noticed the government agencies concerned. * Unit 3 has been stopped and being "nuclear reactor cooling hot stop" at 12:15PM. Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station: Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection [Thermal Power Station] Hirono Thermal Power Station Units 2 and 4: shutdown due to earthquake Hitachinaka Thermal Power Station Unit 1: shutdown due to earthquake Kashima Thermal Power Station Units 2, 3, 5, 6: shutdown due to earthquake Ohi Thermal Power Station Units 2, 3: shutdown due to earthquake Higashi-Ohgishima Thermal Power Station Unit 1: shutdown due to earthquake [Hydro Power Station] 4 stations in Fukushima Prefecture were shutdown due to earthquake. Power stations in Yamanashi Prefecture have been restored. [Transmission System, etc.] 5 substations shown below have been shutdown: - Naka Substation - Shin Motegi Substation - Joban Substation - Ibaraki Substation - Nishi Mito Substation [Blackout in TEPCO's Service Area] Total of about 0.6 million households are out of power. Tokyo: 0 Kanagawa Pref.: 0 Tochigi Pref.: 30,389 Chiba Pref.: 36,456 Saitama Pref: 0 Gunma Pref.: 0 Ibaraki Pref: 537,288 Yamanashi Pref: 0 Shizuoka Pref: 0 (east of Fuji River) [Supply and Demand Status within TEPCO's Service Area to Secure Stable Power Supply] Backup supply from Shinshinano Conversion Station: 600MW Backup supply from Sakuma Conversion Station: 300MW Backup supply from Higashi Shimizu Conversion Station: 100MW Because TEPCO's facilities have been seriously damaged, power shortage may occur. TEPCO appreciates customers' cooperation in reducing electricity usage by avoiding using unnecessary lighting and electrical equipment. We are taking all measures to restore power, however, we expect extremely difficult situation in power supply for tomorrow as well. We kindly ask our customers to cooperate with us in reducing usage of power. Please do NOT touch cut-off electric wires.
12-03-2011, 14:12
Riporto anche dall'altro sito in attesa di aggiornamenti
http://www.world-nuclear-news.org Ha scritto:Attention is focused on the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants as Japan struggles to cope in the aftermath of its worst earthquake in recorded history. An explosion has been seen at the site.
12-03-2011, 14:57
solidarietà! sono un popolo forte.. che si è sempre saputo rialzare a testa altissima!!!
Mazda sempre nel cuore. Mazdista e wankelista Sfegatato!
Dite che riuscirò a comprare una Mx-5? "L'Alfa Brera praticamente è un bel salotto a due ruote, l'Audi TT è una Golf con il vestito buono. La rx8 invece è ORIGINALE!" Perché fare su e giù quando puoi girare? (Rx-8 lover)
12-03-2011, 15:05
Massima solidarietà ad un popolo culturalmente avanti, sempre pronto al sacrificio e che ha sempre avuto molto da insegnare.
Mi chiedo se apriranno presto le raccolte di fondi per aiutarli.
12-03-2011, 15:34
MaD Ha scritto:Massima solidarietà ad un popolo culturalmente avanti, sempre pronto al sacrificio e che ha sempre avuto molto da insegnare. Non ufficiale c'è gia. http://shirtstuckedin.com/?page_id=2406
Matteo "Brunix"
NBFL 1.6 Icon:BMC CDA,RollBar GPV+HarnessBar TRLane,Cinture OMP 4punti,Duomi OMP,EBC Yellow+Tubi in treccia+Ferodo SuperFormula,R888. "Racing is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do on Sunday. It's a way of life. Once your in it, it's in your blood. The track or paddock is home away from home. You smell that race fuel, rubber, and when you hear those engines scream it's music to your ears". 58 - Race your Life.
12-03-2011, 15:53
Poveracci, che sfortuna. Non vorrei essere li'.
Arancia Meccanica
London, U.K. - Chianti, Toscana anche se cosi' non so.....mi sembra troppo legale. (Cit.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Noi a fare i "tondi" e gli altri muuuuuti! (Cit.) ------------------------------------------------------ Siete quasi peggio degli alfisti. (Cit.) ------------------------------------------- |
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