I'll make a blog post tomorrow about specs, installation and everything. I'm just suuuuper tired tonight and wanted you guys to enjoy the view!
P.S. Thanks to my friend Raymond for the awesome job at photo processing.
Maxime L. | REV9 Autosport
oh my god... awesome
Inviato da Lubotalk tramite Nexus5
Location: TORINO
Regione/Stato: Piemonte
MX5 NC 2.0: filtro K&N; Scarico NAP; assetto TEIN super street e barre antirollio IL Motorsport; 160 cavalli ed un asino alla guida!!!
Dukki Ha scritto:I think this is the best ND i've seen so far! 
Still i have to agree with other guys about the seats covers: they look cheap and as i can see in the pictures, do not seem to fit perfectly.
Must be the pictures, because everyone who saw them in person loved them. Even the Mazda dealers in my area want to install them on lower trim models. Most people who saw the car in person couldn't tell they were aftermarket.
Pictures somehow show weird shadows due to color/contrast, but they fit nicely. Anyways, I love them, they're super comfortable, non slippery, fit tight and easy to clean.
Maxime L. | REV9 Autosport
Location: TORINO
Regione/Stato: Piemonte
You more photos please?
MX5 NC 2.0: filtro K&N; Scarico NAP; assetto TEIN super street e barre antirollio IL Motorsport; 160 cavalli ed un asino alla guida!!!