Flex Ha scritto:195 CV alla ruota circa 225 all'albero, kit Kraftwerks rivisto e venduto attualmente su GWR per NB 99-05
Questa e' la risposta che ho ottenuto alla domanda (fatta a Kraftwerks) sulla disponibilità di un kit analogo per l'NC:
Thank you very much for the email.
While we have not started work on the 06+ NC Miata's, I believe it is very likely we will develop a kit for them at some point. Since we have not yet even begun to look at that platform I cannot speculate as to when you might expect that kit.
The best advice I can offer is to "like" the Kraftwerks, Grams and Skunk2 Facebook pages. That is where our Marketing Department likes to distribute information regarding new products under development. If you follow those pages, you will have the very most up to date information available.
If you have any questions let me know.
Thanks again for the email.
Brian Nichols
Sales Representative
Non molto incoraggiante sui tempi, ma almeno non ne ha escluso lo sviluppo ...