Vi presento la mia MX5 LE 2006, ecco la lista di modifiche fatte in 8 anni e solo 14000Km
Ringand pinion gears 4.1 / Quaife ATB Differential / Motorsport flywheelsFidanza / I.L.
Motorsportheaders 4-1 / Track Dog Racing header heat shield / Tein MonoFlex /Kit Brembo /
exhaustsCat-Back Magnaflow / Cobalt cold air intake scoops induction + K&NDrop-In High-Flow
AirFilter / Kit I.L. Motorsport chassis braces + shock tower bracesrear / Eibach Anti Roll Kit +
RBadjustable anti-sway bar end links / Cobalt Short Shifter / Powerflexdifferential mounts
/AWR motor mounts 70 / AWR engine torque braces / AWR brake coolingduct kits / Goodridge
inoxbrake and clutch lines / Eibach Pro Spacer 1,5mm / Throttle + Cruisecontrol 3-Drive Ac
Pivot/ aluminum engineshieldwith large air extractorand Stopper Brake ( prototypes of my
conception) / MOMO steeringwheel and hub adaptors /CG-Lock Seat Belt Lock / Console Knee
Pad/ IL central storage / hardtop / Focal 200 System 2-way speakers inthe doors With
Crossover2-way/ Scangauge II integrated into the Dashboard / Kumho tires Ku36215/45/17 / Honda arial /second
set of aluminum wheels model Niseko, soppressione dei sistemi EGR e PCV, Batteria Lithium ion Shido lix 30 l
Manometro digitale SPA temperatura e pressione con allarmi per min e max posizionato nella bocca aria cruscotto
eliminazione totale EGR
eliminazione PCV con nuovo sistema di riciclaggio vapori
unghia strumenti e copri testata verniciati in rosso opaco
sistema di attivazione ventola radiatore manuale
eliminato farfalle dal raccordo collettore di aspirazione
Kit I.L. Motorsport chassis braces riverniciato in nero lucido
antenna Craven Speed Stubby
Work in progress.............
Ringand pinion gears 4.1 / Quaife ATB Differential / Motorsport flywheelsFidanza / I.L.
Motorsportheaders 4-1 / Track Dog Racing header heat shield / Tein MonoFlex /Kit Brembo /
exhaustsCat-Back Magnaflow / Cobalt cold air intake scoops induction + K&NDrop-In High-Flow
AirFilter / Kit I.L. Motorsport chassis braces + shock tower bracesrear / Eibach Anti Roll Kit +
RBadjustable anti-sway bar end links / Cobalt Short Shifter / Powerflexdifferential mounts
/AWR motor mounts 70 / AWR engine torque braces / AWR brake coolingduct kits / Goodridge
inoxbrake and clutch lines / Eibach Pro Spacer 1,5mm / Throttle + Cruisecontrol 3-Drive Ac
Pivot/ aluminum engineshieldwith large air extractorand Stopper Brake ( prototypes of my
conception) / MOMO steeringwheel and hub adaptors /CG-Lock Seat Belt Lock / Console Knee
Pad/ IL central storage / hardtop / Focal 200 System 2-way speakers inthe doors With
Crossover2-way/ Scangauge II integrated into the Dashboard / Kumho tires Ku36215/45/17 / Honda arial /second
set of aluminum wheels model Niseko, soppressione dei sistemi EGR e PCV, Batteria Lithium ion Shido lix 30 l
Manometro digitale SPA temperatura e pressione con allarmi per min e max posizionato nella bocca aria cruscotto
eliminazione totale EGR
eliminazione PCV con nuovo sistema di riciclaggio vapori
unghia strumenti e copri testata verniciati in rosso opaco
sistema di attivazione ventola radiatore manuale
eliminato farfalle dal raccordo collettore di aspirazione
Kit I.L. Motorsport chassis braces riverniciato in nero lucido
antenna Craven Speed Stubby
Work in progress.............