Il culometro lascia un po' il tempo che trova, io ho trovato queste osservazioni in un thread riguardante i massimi guadagni ottenibili dal 2.0 aspirato con modifiche bolt-on, le misure al banco sono molto accurate, hanno pure confrontato due banchi per verificarne l'attendibilita'. Ve lo posto, poi ognuno decide come preferisce... L'autore e' Jay di TDR
Total Gains
30 HP
18 Ft/Lb Torque
This gains are repeatable and correct, we verified this numbers over 3 Dyno sections.
This Gains are more than double anything we have seen posted, they are the result of an obsessive pursue for performance, we are very proud of them, and stand by the results.
Goodwin MAX coated header
Double resonated Midpipe
Race Muffler
Stock Intake. (We tried 2 Different CAI they made no difference)
93 octane pump gas
Notare che Jay produce e vende un suo CAI. Un utente gli chiede quindi se tali osservazioni valgano anche per il suo prodotto, oppure solo per altre marche provate:
That is correct. CAI do offer one small advantage in competition during hot days.
While waiting to start a CAI will provide lower AIT initially which in turn will get you started at slightly higher timing do to lower AIT; however that advantage disappears immediately as you rev the engine.
And yes we have sold CAI, however it was stated clearly that we have not observed any repeatable gains; so our buyers were aware of that fact.
We are not longer producing them, and discourage anyone form spending the big box in them, I say get a tune or a header instead.
Ve lo posto solo per informazione, senza voler iniziare polemiche :happy:
Total Gains
30 HP
18 Ft/Lb Torque
This gains are repeatable and correct, we verified this numbers over 3 Dyno sections.
This Gains are more than double anything we have seen posted, they are the result of an obsessive pursue for performance, we are very proud of them, and stand by the results.
Goodwin MAX coated header
Double resonated Midpipe
Race Muffler
Stock Intake. (We tried 2 Different CAI they made no difference)
93 octane pump gas
Notare che Jay produce e vende un suo CAI. Un utente gli chiede quindi se tali osservazioni valgano anche per il suo prodotto, oppure solo per altre marche provate:
That is correct. CAI do offer one small advantage in competition during hot days.
While waiting to start a CAI will provide lower AIT initially which in turn will get you started at slightly higher timing do to lower AIT; however that advantage disappears immediately as you rev the engine.
And yes we have sold CAI, however it was stated clearly that we have not observed any repeatable gains; so our buyers were aware of that fact.
We are not longer producing them, and discourage anyone form spending the big box in them, I say get a tune or a header instead.
Ve lo posto solo per informazione, senza voler iniziare polemiche :happy: